Masonry Rest​oration​ a​nd Tu​ckpointi​ng Contractor
Masonry Rest​oration​ a​nd Tu​ckpointi​ng Contractor

A parapet wall being taken down and prepared for the rebuilding of the masonry on a condominium building in Chicago, IL.
On this project the entire wall was taken down past the roof line, where you can see into the interior of the building.
Parapet Walls Repaired and Rebuilt
on Commercial and Residential Buildings
Parapet walls are located at the top of the masonry walls of a building or structure that go above the roof line. Parapet walls provide a vital protection to buildings with flat roofs. High winds can go under a roof membrane and rip the roof right off a building. The purpose of a parapet wall is to prevent the wind from going under the roof itself and lifting it right up. That is why parapet walls are higher than the roof line, and why parapet wall maintenance is crucial on a masonry building.
When maintenance, such as tuckpointing of the masonry joints or the caulking of the copings is not done, then the parapet wall can fail. The easiest maintenance to do on a parapet wall is to keep the rainwater out and the wall dry. This can be achieved by keeping up with any missing tuckpointing and regular caulk replacement on the coping joints every 10-20 years depending on the caulk product used.
When maintenance of parapet walls is not maintained the joints fail and not only allow the wind to enter, but also moisture. This moisture can be from rain or snow. If caught early then tuckpointing can be completed on the masonry joints and the copings can have caulking placed on the sky-facing joints to protect the top of the parapet walls. If this is not done, then over time the situation will only get worse and the parapet walls will only continue to deteriorate. Eventually, it will get to the point that simple maintenance of the parapet walls is not enough and the parapet walls will need to be rebuilt.
When rebuilding the parapet walls it is important to remove the masonry down to where the masonry is still solid. Sometime this requires to go below the roof line, where shoring may be needed to temporarily support the roof structure, but typically the parapet walls are rebuilt from about the roof line up. When rebuilding the parapet walls the same brick still in good condition can be re-used to match the rest of the building, but if desired or if the brick is so deteriorated that it cannot be re-used then new bricks will be needed to rebuild the parapet walls. Bruno Construction Masonry, Inc. has several brick suppliers we use so that we can find the best possible match for your parapet wall rebuilding project.
No matter what kind of brick is used we recommend installing step flashing at the base of the rebuilt parapet walls so that it protects the roof structure and keeps the moisture out from the top of the building. Once the parapet walls are rebuilt copings will need to be installed, but under the copings will go another flashing system, which also protects against moisture.
There are different options for copings. The are clay copings, stone copings and even metal copings, but no matter what type is used, the joints between the copings must be properly sealed to prevent water from entering the parapet walls at the highest point of the masonry wall. Bruno Construction Masonry, Inc. has been rebuilding parapet walls since 1984. for over 40 years our team of professionals are fully skilled to take care of your buildings needs whether it is maintenance of the parapet walls or complete rebuilding. We know what we are doing and we do it right.
We can help determine if the masonry on your parapet walls needs to be repaired or if the parapet walls need rebuilding.

Masonry repairs being preformed on the parapet wall of a school building in Chicago, IL.
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The masonry parapet wall on this commercial building was chipping and cracking. The outside layer of white glazed brick was removed and rebuilt with new white glazed masonry brick. The original copings remained.
This commercial office building high rise required that the penthouse elevation be rebuilt due to its latest Critical Inspection Report. Bruno Construction was able to complete these high rise repairs.

Parapet walls are typically, the highest sections of the wall at the top of a building that extend above the roofline of a masonry construction building. Parapet walls are the sections of the wall that go above a roof line and are found on apartment buildings, condominium buildings, mid-to high rise buildings and sometimes even single family homes. Parapet walls are found on all types of buildings from commercial to residential and more. If you have a flat roof, then chances are that your building does have a parapet wall.
Because these sections of wall are at the highest point of a building then they typically get the worst of the weather. Parapet walls are the first to get any precipitation. Because parapet walls get the worst of the weather it is at these locations that masonry starts to fail and water infiltration starts to occur. If the parapet wall on your building is showing signs of failing joints such as, open joints, weathered joints, cracks or bulging brick then it is time for some kind of masonry maintenance to be done. Bruno Construction masonry can determine if your parapet wall needs maintenance such as grinding and tuckpointing, or even caulking on the copings to keep the water out or if the parapet wall needs to be rebuilt because bricks have shifted or are bulging. Just because a specific section has shifted, does not necessarily mean that the entire parapet wall needs to be rebuilt. It may only be a certain section of the parapet wall that needs to be rebuilt, while the other areas may only need some tuckpointing to be done, which can save the building owner some money for other repairs and maintenance. Let Bruno Construction Masonry. Inc. take a look at your building and parapet walls and we can give you our professional opinions as to what repairs are needed.
When does a parapet wall need tuckpointing repair and when does a parapet wall need rebuilding?
When a parapet wall has open joints and cracks then it may be also allowing water infiltration into the building. If the parapet wall only has some open joints and cracks then it may only need some tuckpointing to repair it. However, if bricks have shifted then most likely rebuilding will need to take place. Depending on the situation we find it may be an easy fix or a larger project then was anticipated by you, but no o matter what the case may be Bruno Construction Masonry, Inc. will provide you with all your options and recommend the best repair process needed to ensure your building is structurally sound and water tight. For over 40 years we have repaired and rebuilt countless parapet walls throughout the Chicago-land area. With over 40 years of experience we will be able to show and explain why a rebuilding is required or why a tuckpointing service is sufficient for the repair. We will give you our honest and professional assessment and allow you to make the decision for yourself so you feel comfortable working with us.
Welcome to Bruno Construction Masonry, Inc.
- your go-to mason contractor for all your parapet wall repairs and rebuilding.