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Hyde Park Masonry Contractor

Hyde Park Masonry Contractor
Licensed, Bonded, and Insured

​We've been serving Hyde Park area of Chicago for over 40 years as a trusted tuckpointing and masonry restoration contractor. Our team specializes in top-notch masonry restoration services and repairs for apartment , condominium and commercial buildings throughout the Chicagoland area.

Hyde Park Tuckpointing contractor
Lintel replacement on high rise Hyde Park

Tuckpointing and
Lintel Replacement

This high rise in Hyde Park had extensive masonry repairs completed from tuckpointing and lintel replacement to parapet wall rebuilding.


Flashing Installation and Caulk Replacement 

This 26 story condominium building in Hyde Park was having leak issues at all floor levels.  We installed flashing and completed caulking repairs to help stop the leaks. 


Vertical Concrete Repairs  and Modac Coating

This concrete wall high rise needed extensive concrete repairs completed.  Once the concrete was repaired a new coat of Modac was applied.

Hyde Park licensed masonry contractor for high rise repair
BBB Hyde Park contractor

Get in touch

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