Masonry Rest​oration​ a​nd Tu​ckpointi​ng Contractor
Masonry Rest​oration​ a​nd Tu​ckpointi​ng Contractor

We can help you from start to finish with your Building Code Violations. Bruno Construction Masonry, Inc. can repair all the masonry repairs, and also obtain the necessary permits and provide possible drawings, plans or reports that may also be needed to close the case on the building code violations your building may have.
Building Violations:

If you happen to get a letter from the City of Chicago or from the Village or Town that you live in regarding a building violation, give us a call and we can assist you in taking care of the violation. A violation typically requires a permit to be obtained and the work needing to be done prior to your court date. There are times when plans will need to drawn up by a licensed architect or engineer or that a report may be needed.
There is no need to worry!
Bruno Construction can take care of everything needed in order to remove the violation from your building.
Most people are not aware that when a building owner receives a violation 2 different cases are opened simultaneously. There is the court case where an attorney is typically required to show that the work is done. This is the time that a fine may be received or the case may be continued or dismissed. There is also the case with the Building Department. This is where the City would like to make a sure a licensed professional does the repairs and pulls the necessary permits. The Building Department will want to make sure that the proper permits were actually pulled and the work was performed and performed properly! If the court case is dismissed or closed it does not, at all, guarantee that the Building department removed the Violation from the buildings records.
Bruno Construction has many years of experience dealing with these types of violations. We can guarantee that if the court case was dismissed because the work was done, but no permit, if required, was pulled, then the next time a contractor goes to pull a permit for your building the same violation will appear again and a new permit will not be issued until the old violations are taken care of. It can also be guaranteed that the next time a violation is given to the building, these old violations will appear again. When a court case is opened for a new violation and the inspector notes that the old violations either were not repaired or a permit was not issued for the repairs then the court case will either be re-opened or the old violations will be added to the new court case. This is not a position anyone would like to be in. Higher fines will more likely be given at this point.
Typically the Building Department will want all the violations to be repaired under one permit. Bruno Construction can help with that. We are not only licensed as a mason contractor, but also a General Contractor. If there are violations for the interior of the building and the exterior, then a General Contractor License will be required to obtain a permit with all violation repairs stated on one permit.
No matter your masonry situation, we can help!
The first step is to give us a call and we can start from there.
Use the form below to send us a message
Commercial and Residential projects accepted!