Masonry Rest​oration​ a​nd Tu​ckpointi​ng Contractor
Masonry Rest​oration​ a​nd Tu​ckpointi​ng Contractor
Masonry Restoration services offered in Evanston IL.

Bruno Construction masonry, Inc. has been providing masonry repair services near Evanston, IL. and the surrounding areas since 1984.
From single family and apartment buildings to condominium buildings and high rises. We have different sized crews to take care of all types of masonry projects in Evanston.
We provide tuckpointing, lintel replacement, shelf angle replacement, parapet wall repairs, chimney rebuilds, caulk replacement, waterproofing and more and we provide it all in Evanston, IL. and surrounding areas.

There are different masonry services you may need
and we are happy to explain them all and help you during the estimating process to find the best options for your building in Evanston, IL.

What is Tuckpointing?
Not everyone knows what tuckpointing is or even why it is needed. We will take the time to explain all this masonry repair to you and tell you why it is important for the building and for your pockets to keep up with tuckpointing. Tuckpointing is basically a preventative masonry repair to help keep your brick and masonry walls in structurally sound and water tight conditions. Our tuckpointers and masons are highly experienced in performing masonry repairs with all types of brick, from face-brick to Chicago common brick, concrete blocks and stone. Bruno Construction Masonry, Inc. offers a wide variety of services from simple tuckpointing to brick rebuilding, chimney and parapet wall repairs, lintel and shelf angle replacement, caulking, sandblasting and more masonry restoration services. Please visit our services page to find out more or give us a call and we will be happy to discuss whatever masonry restoration service your building may be in need of in Evanston IL. and surrounding areas.
Lintel Replacement:
Eventually steel lintels or shelf angles need to be repaired or replaced. A lintel is what actually supports the masonry units above any masonry opening. Typically the lintel is a steel lintel. Over time and lack of maintenance the lintels will rust and deteriorate. This causes the lintel to be unable to support the large load of masonry from above. As the steel lintel gives way to the load it will bend and cracks will occur at the corners of the masonry opening. If the lintel is not replaced with a new piece of steel the lintel will eventually completely fail and a section of the wall may come down. When the lintel begins to rust it expands also causing the brick to move and become displaced. Over time the rust builds up to a point where it can actually widen the joint and raise the brick out of place. Whether, the lintel is rusting to a point where the rust is an issue or if the lintel is deteriorated to a point where the lintel has rusted away, Bruno Construction Masonry, Inc. can provide you with the information needed to make a proper decision on to the masonry repairs your building may need. Regardless of the situation if cracks are forming at the corners of the window or door openings then it is time that a professional needs to take a look. Let Bruno Construction Masonry, Inc. be your professional lintel replacement contractor in Evanston, IL. and surrounding areas.
Bruno Construction Masonry, Inc. has been replacing steel lintels for over 39 years in and around Evanston, IL. . Feel free to give us a call and we can give you our expert opinions as to what needs to happen to make the building structurally sound and safe. Lintel Violations are often given by City inspectors. If it has gotten to the point that an inspector cited you with a building violation, then Bruno Construction can help with that too. No need to worry. Bruno Construction Masonry, Inc repairs and replaces lintel and shelf angles on a regular basis in Chicago and the surrounding suburbs.
If you're looking for a steel lintel replacement company near me then look no further. We can travel to your project. If you're wondering what steel lintel replacement costs are for your masonry project then give us a call and we can provide you with a free estimate. Let us be the lintel replacement company for you in Evanston and surrounding areas.